Sunday, May 31, 2009

a new intro

i had another blog under a different name during a different time of my life. i began it in 07 and it changed briefly in 08. but as i thought about it, i realized it was impossible to use my old account for the new misadventures in my life. because i was no longer the ocd fangirl from trying to grow up. i am still emily swain but i decided to change my name to emilie swain; it is a slight change but it represents on how such a minor change, the smallest deviation, the tiniest difference a choice makes a HUGE impact later on down the road. it literally was a snowball that turned into the biggest avalanche of my life which is still gathering speed and threatening to cover me in the biggest hole i have ever landed in...which is scary since there are so many more holes that i will encounter in my life.

so this is the thread of my life, the life of drama. i will always have it in my life and i will always seek it, subconsciously or consciously. i dont even know if those words are misspelled or not. damn no spellcheck. definition of dramaticisms: to live a life a certain way for a dramatic purpose; a life dedicated to the dramas of life and the people that cause it, seeking it to a certain point. i will post up my other blogs from myspace before i can delete them. some of them are memorable conversations that i had to put into words to never forget them. some of the other blogs are ramblings, musings, and stream of conscious poems.

this will be place to rant, ramble, muse, and write something down that resembles poetry. we'll see if i keep up with this one more so than the other blogs...i've been consistent at myspace; how odd.

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